Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Client: Catholic Schools Office

VAlue: $2,700,000

Architect: Morrell Architects

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Project Details

Holy Family Catholic Primary School in Merewether Beach, consisted of the demolition of existing buildings, extension of an existing building for a new library, refurbishment of existing classrooms, together with the construction of a new administration building, which included new classrooms, a kitchen, and associated communal spaces.

Construction was carried out inside a fully functional primary school which meant safety relating to work area interfaces were always a priority. During construction a close relationship was required with the school due to their daily routines and the restricted site area.

All works were required to be completed whilst maintaining a functional operation of the school. Works were staged for completion to assist in this functional operation and also to ensure occupancy in these areas coincided with the new school terms.

Due to the age of the existing structures, additional supporting and rectification works were required to support the new layout which added challenges to the project.

Materials used on this site had to be durable and low maintenance to minimise future costs, and with the complexity and detail of the new building it meant all elements had to be custom designed and fitted to suit. Curved and rounded precast panels meant detailing and construction methods were particularly unique and eliptical and round shaped hardwood windows with coloured glass were detailed in the design to provide colour and inspiration to the students.

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